Prime Minister Imran Khan Complete address at United Nations General Assembly
Imran Khan |
Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan addressed 74th session of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 27th, 2019. His address was based on four major points; Climate Change, Corruption and Money Laundering, Islamophobia and lastly Indian atrocities in Kashmir.
Below is the complete address of PM Imran Khan in text form:
1. Climate Change
Pakistan is among the top 10 nations in the world affected
by climate change. We depend on or rivers, we are mainly an agricultural
country. 80 % of our water comes from the glaciers and these are melting at an
alarming pace.
We detected 5000 glacier lakes in our mountains. If nothing is done, we fear humans are facing a huge catastrophe
In KP, a province of Pakistan, we planted a billion trees in
5 years. Now we are targeting 10 billion trees. But one country cannot do
anything. This has to be a combined effort of the world.
My optimism comes from the fact that the Almighty has given humans great powers. We can do great things. And this is where I want the United Nations to take the lead in invoking this will.
Rich countries who contribute the most to green house has
emissions must be held accountable.
2. Corruption
Every year billions of dollars leave poor countries & go
to rich counties. Billions of dollars siphoned by corrupt politicians to tax havens,
expensive properties bought in western capitals. It is devastating to the
developing world.
Corruption is impoverishing the developing word. Difference
b/w rich & poor countries is growing due to this. Money laundering is not
treated the same as drug money or terror financing. Today their elites are
plundering poor countries.
In my country, when I took charge of our government a year
back, in the 10 years preceding that our total debt went up 4 times. As a
result; the total revenue we collect in one year, half of it went into debt
How will we spend on our 220 million population when the
ruling elite plundered our money? And when we located properties of these
corrupt leaders in western capitals, we find it so difficult to retrieve it.
If we retrieve the plundered money, we could spend it on human development. But, there are laws protecting these criminals. We do not have the money to hire lawyers worth millions of dollars.
The rich countries must show political will; they cannot
allow this flight of capital from poor countries through corruption. How can
poor countries meet the United Nations SDG’s when money for human development
can easily leave our countries?
There must be a deterrent; the corrupt ruling elite must not
be allowed to take money out and park it in tax havens. Why is it legal to have
tax havens where you have these secret accounts?
The world is changing; if the poor get poorer and the rich get richer, there will be a crisis soon. It will lead to a major crisis. The World Bank, the IMF, the Asian developing bank must find a way to stop this plunder.
3. Islamophobia
My third point is Islamophobia; there are 1.3 billion
Muslims in the world. Muslims living across all continents. Islamophobia has
grown since 9/11 and it is alarming. It is creating divisions
Muslim women wearing Hijab has become a problem. It is seen as a weapon. A woman can take off her clothes in some countries but she cannot put more on? And why has this happened? Because certain western leaders equated Islam with terrorism.
What is radical Islam? There is only ONE Islam and that is the Islam of Prophet (PBUH).
Why is there Islamophobia? How will an average American
differentiate between a moderate Muslim and a radical Muslim? This has nothing
to do with our religion.
We have faced Islamophobia while travelling abroad; and in
European countries, it is marginalising Muslim communities. And marginalisation
creates room for and leads to radicalisation.
My point here is that we must address this. Post 9/11, war
against “radical Islam” started, rather than Muslim leaders trying to explain
to the West that there is no such thing as radical Islam.
There are radical fringes in every society, but the basis of
ALL religion is compassion and justice.
Unfortunately the Muslim leaders were unable explain. We failed, as the Muslim world to explain that there is no such thing as radical Islam. In Pakistan; we were the eye of the storm & our government coined a term “enlightened moderation”
About Suicide attacks; because the 9/11 bombers did suicide
attacks, all sorts of theories came out like those about virgins in heaven.
This bizarre thing happened where suicide attacks were equated with Islam.
No one bothered researching the Tamil Tigers and the Japanese Kamikaze bombers. No one blamed religion when they carried out suicide attacks and rightly so because no religion teaches violence.
Most important thing I want to say, to explain this
Islamophobia, I have played cricket in the West & I know how the western
mind works. One of the reasons for Islamophobia; in 1989 this book was
published maligning, ridiculing our Prophet (PBUH).
The west could not understand what the problem was. They do
not look at religion the way that we do. Therefore; in their eyes Islam was an
intolerant religion. It became a watershed.
And every 2-3 years someone would malign our Prophet (PBUH), Muslims would react, and the west would term them intolerant.
I blame some people in the West who provoked Muslims. But
this is where majority of the Muslim leaders let the Muslim community down. Our
Prophet (PBUH) was the witness to our Divine book, the Holy Quran.
Our Prophet (PBUH) was the witness to our Divine book, the
Holy Quran.
The Prophet (PBUH) is the ideal we want to live up to. He created the state of Madina, which was a welfare state.
I hear such strange things about Islam that it is against women and minorities. The state of Medina was the first that took responsibility of women; the widows, the poor. State announced all humans were equal; whatever the colour of their skin.
The Prophet (PBUH) announced that one of the greatest deeds
is to free a slave. But, if you have to; treat them as an equal member of the
family. And, as a result, the unprecedented happened, slaves became kings, and
slave dynasties were formed.
Again; with minorities. In Islam, it was a sacred duty to protect places of worship of all religions. It was announced that all human beings were equal. The 4th caliph of Madina lost a court case against a Jewish citizen. No 1 was above the law.
When a Muslim community is unjust to a Minority, it is going
against the teachings of our religion. Our Prophet (PBUH) lives in our heart,
and when he is maligned, it hurts us.
I always imagined what I would say and educate the world
about Islam if I ever stood on this forum.
In western society, the holocaust is treated with sensitivity because it hurts the Jewish community. So that’s the same respect we ask for; do not hurt our sentiments by maligning our Holy Prophet (PBUH). That is all we ask.
4. Indian Atrocities in Kashmir
Now I want to move on to talk about Kashmir. When we came
into power, my first priority was that Pakistan would be that country that
would try its best to bring peace.
Joining the war on terror, Pakistan went through one of its worst periods. We lost 70,000 people to the war, 150 billion dollar to our economy.
We joined the war against the Soviets in the 1980’s.
Pakistan trained the then "Mujahedeen" at the behest of the
Americans. The Soviets called them terrorists, the Americans called them
freedom fighters, then.
Soviets left, US packed up. Come 9/11, now that we had to join the US & tell the same indoctrinated people this is now not a "freedom struggle" but "terrorism". They suddenly saw us as collaborators; it became a nightmare & they turned against us
70 000 Pakistanis lost their lives, due to a war Pakistan
had nothing to do with. No Pakistani was involved in 9/11. So when we came into
power; we decided to disband all militant groups. And this was a decision taken
by all political parties.
I know that India keeps saying we have militant
organisations but I invite UN observers to come and see for themselves.
Secondly, we started mending fences. We engaged with Afghanistan, Iran.
And then, India; let me tell you my relationship with India.
Because of cricket, which is followed with great passion in the subcontinent, I
have great friends in India. I have always loved going to India.
So my 1st move was to reach out to Modi and I said let’s work
our differences, leave our past behind and our main priority should be our
people as we have similar problems; poverty & climate change. Highest
number of people reside in subcontinent.
On zero response from India, we thought we should wait till
the Indian elections since BJP is a nationalist party. Meanwhile, a Kashmiri
boy radicalized by Indian forces blew himself up on an Indian convoy.
Immediately India blamed Pakistan.
I told India to give us any proof and we would act. We had actual proofs of Indian intervention in some terrorist attacks in our Balochistan province. We even caught their spy Kulbhushan Yadav who admitted to his crimes.
In the election campaign, Mr.Modi used terms like "This
was just a trailer. The movie is yet to come." We thought post the
elections we would go back to a normal relationship. But that was not the case.
Post the elections, we realised Indians were trying to push
us on the FATF blacklist to economically isolate us. That’s when we realised
there was an agenda.
And then, the revocation of the article 370 happened which
used to give Kashmir special status. They escalated the number of troops in
Kashmir and put 8 million people under curfew.
I have to explain what the RSS is. Mr Modi is a "life member" of RSS. An organisation inspired by Hitler and Mussolini. They believed in racial superiority the same way that the Nazi’s believed in the supremacy of the Aryan race.
This is open knowledge. RSS believes in the racial
superiority of Hindus. It was hatred for the Muslims & Christians. They
believe that the golden age of Hinduism halted b/c of Muslim rule. They openly
stated hatred for Muslims and Christians.
This is all open knowledge. You can all just google the founding fathers of the RSS like Golwalker. This ideology of hate murdered Mahatma Gandhi.
The hate ideology allowed RSS goons under Modi’s CM ship in
Gujarat to butcher 2000 Muslims. The Congress party gave a statement that
terrorists were being trained in RSS Camps. Modi was not allowed to travel to
the US.
What kind of a mindset locks up 8 million people? Women,
children, sick people. What I know of the west, they wouldnot stand for 8
million animals to be locked up. These are humans.
Arrogance has blinded PM Modi and BJP. This racial
superiority; what does he think is going to happen when he lifts the curfew?
You think Kashmiris will accept a new status quo under
revocation of Article 370. 100 000 Kashmiris killed, thousands of women raped.
UN reported on this. But, the world did nothing and sees India as a huge
market. Materialism has trumped humanity.
What will happen when the curfew is lifted? Modi says, this is done for the prosperity of Kashmir. But, what will happen when 8 million Kashmiris come out of a lockdown and face 900,000 troops? I fear there will be a bloodbath.
The way Kashmiris are caged like animals in homes. Their
political leadership arrested, even pro India ones. 13 000 boys picked up &
taken to unknown locations. Youngsters blinded with pellets. This will only
lead to further radicalisation.
We fear another Pulwama incident. And for that, India will
again blame Pakistan.
Indian FM says Pakistan has 500 terrorists waiting on the
border. What will 500 terrorists do against 0.9 million troops? They just want
an excuse, the catchword & mantra of Islamic terrorism.
The phrase Islamic terrorism allows India to dismiss human
rights and further increase cruelty on the people of Kashmir.
Why would we ever want to disrupt peace? But, it’s because
there is no other narrative left for India. There will be another Pulwama
incident because of their own cruelty in Kashmir, they will blame us and try to
bomb us again.
Don’t you think that 180 Million Muslims will be radicalised in India as they see 8 million Kashmiris locked up? And, what about 1.3 billion Muslims who are watching this knowing that this is only happening to Kashmiri Muslims.
How would the Jewish community react if even 8000 Jews were
under lockdown? How would the Europeans react? How would any human community
react? Are we children of a lesser God? Don’t u know this causes us pain.
We have been brought up watching films; a good guy doesn’t
get justice.... he picks up a weapon, and a whole cinema cheers him on. What
has been the response of the world community on any atrocities in the Muslim
I picture myself in Kashmir, locked up for 50 days. Hearing about rapes, the Indian army going around. Would I live with this humiliation? You are forcing people towards radicalisation.
When people lose the will to live, they pick up guns. A
movie "Death Wish" depicts how a boy picks up guns and starts killing
all muggers. If you are doing this to
human beings, pushing them, you are leading to radicalisation.
This is one of the most critical times. Pakistan will be
blamed should something happen. Two nuclear armed nations almost went head to
head in February. And this is why the UN has a responsibility. This is why you
came into being in 1945!
I feel we are back in 1939; Munich. Czechslovakia has been
taken. Will the word community appease a fascist or will it stand up for
justice and humanity? If a conventional war starts between two countries,
nuclear countries anything could happen.
Supposing a country 7 times smaller than its neighbor; faced with a question. Either you surrender, or you fight till the end. I ask myself this question. And my belief is There is no God but Allah. We will FIGHT!
I am not threatening here about a nuclear war; it is a worry. It is a test for the United Nations. You are the one who said Kashmir right to self-determination. This is not the time for appeasement like that in 1939 in Munich.
This is the time when you, the United Nations, must urge
India to lift the curfew; to free the 13,000 Kashmiris who have disappeared
meanwhile and this is the time when the UN must insist on Kashmir’s right to self-determination!
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